4 Reasons You Should Be Considering A Garden Office
Thinking about taking the next step in your career and working as a freelance consultant? Good for you. Or the days of the long office commute and your days of working in the office are numbered & your employer’s offering flexible working hours - which also happily allows you to work from home? If so, in both scenarios, you will be so much happier with a dedicated office space. But better still, how about a dedicated work space at the bottom of your garden? We've compiled a blog exploring 4 brilliant reasons (there's lots more, but 4 was a nice round number to us) why you should seriously think about a garden office...
1) Shortest commute ever
Home office garden rooms are big business these days. Clients love them thanks to the fact these smart garden offices spaces come equipped with everything you would expect to find in a modern urban office or co-working space – but with none of the noise and regular interruptions you would typically experience in such locations.
Another HUGE advantage of having your office at the bottom of the garden is the stress-free two minute (if that!) walk to get to the office; not to mention the massive saving on petrol or public transport costs. And crucially, there's no long commute, traffic jams, train delays - you can start and finish your work day when you plan to, saving yourself hours & still smashing the productivity levels...win!
2) Your Made to Measure Space
Yet another advantage of having a garden office is the fact that it can be customised to suit the way you work. If you like to look out a window while at your desk, for instance, then we can certainly fit full height glass panels. Here at Cabin Master we can design & build you a completely bespoke garden room, where you are completely in control of everything from cladding (the external finish), colour, number of windows & doors, flooring, internal paint colours and lighting. Everything you need is included as standard within the price, but we have a massive range of optional extras you can choose from to really make the space work for you - such as internal partitioning, air-con, internal cedar & slate cladding...the list is almost endless!
3) Creates an impressive environment for clients to visit
Having a dedicated garden office to invite clients into to discuss their project always looks much more professional than meeting them in a local coffee shop or at your kitchen table. There's no distractions of the hustle and bustle of the house to interrupt meetings & you’ll also have all your work to hand, organised instead of dotted all over your makeshift desk. Ensuring your domestic and professional working lives don’t collide also makes you feel more focused on and dedicated to your job. Also you've got the option to completely make the space your own, totally personalised to your own business - you could 'brand' the space with the various wall branding options available on the market, or create an area to showcase you current projects to entice new clients. The world really is your oyster!
4) De-stresses & frees up space inside your home
How can you having an office garden room benefit the whole family? Well, we’re talking about the fact that your folders, bits of paper and general office paraphernalia aren’t lying around on the kitchen table, coffee table or littering up the spare bedroom. This means the house looks far tidier. But not only that, it means you don’t get stressed out because you can’t find a particular project folder or phone number etc – things are just so much easier to locate when they’re all in the one space. It's also a great feeling being able to leave work behind somewhere that's separate to the house; we know how tempting it can be to have your laptop or iPad nearby at home & 'just check' your emails, then before you know it you're dragged into getting involved in a work issue in your free time. Lots of our happy owners often comment that it really helps them keep work & home life separate.
How To Get Your Own Customised Garden Office
More garden office ideas can be found in our garden room gallery, or you can also find out more by downloading our free e-book The Ultimate Guide to Garden Rooms. For a free home consultation simply call us on 0115 932 8888 or contact us. You’ll be very glad you did.