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News and Events Latest From Our Blog

12th June 2024

Raise Your Game With Our Sports and Leisure Centre Buildings

Space is at a premium for sports clubs and leisure centres. With Cabin Master, you can create additional functional space without costly and time-consuming renovations to your existing main build. Provide your members and visitors...
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23rd May 2024

Can I Airbnb a Cabin in My Garden?

Airbnb has become a phenomenon in the hospitality industry over the last 15 years, bringing tourists new, quirky, and more flexible options when it comes to places to stay. Airbnb has popularised alternative accommodation in recent...
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15th April 2024

How Do You Treat a Wooden Summerhouse?

When buying a wooden garden room, it is easy to overlook the ongoing maintenance that comes with your new expansion. Over the years, the changing seasons and wear and tear can affect your wooden garden building. Wood can deteriorate...
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9th April 2024

A Guide to Garden Room Base Options

Garden rooms have become increasingly popular as versatile spaces for relaxation, work, or hobbies. Whether you're dreaming of a serene retreat, a home office, or a creative studio, the foundation of your garden room plays a crucial...
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